Clinic Procedures - Accident Insurance

Clinic Information

The Castle Creek Clinic is staffed by a Health Assistant. If your child becomes seriously ill at school, the parents/guardians will be notified by phone. Children should be picked-up as soon as you are notified. Children with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher must be picked-up immediately.

  • Please note, if the person listed as first contact does not answer the call, the person under second contact will be notified. We will continue to use the contact list provided in order to find someone available to pick-up your child. Please make sure your contact information is up-to-date at all times.


    Medication on a school campus is a serious matter and the guidelines will be strictly enforced. Before any medication may be left at the school, parent/guardian permission and instructions must be obtained.

  • All medication must be brought to school by the parent/guardian.

  • Children may not transport medication to and from school.

  • The parent or legal guardian must fill out a medication permission form located in the school clinic.

  • Only medications prescribed by a physician will be administered during school hours.

  • No prescription medicine will be administered without a doctor’s note stating it is medically necessary.

  • The medication must be in its original container and kept in the school clinic.

    Accident Insurance

    Information for Student “Accident Insurance” can be found at:

  • Students and Parents (center of home page)

  • Click “Health and Wellness” (scroll down to tab)

  • Click “Health Resources” on the left

  • "Accident Insurance" is listed under Health Services.